
Clothing and laundry expenses


Evidence to support expense

If you incurred work-related clothing and laundry expenses and wish to claim these as a deduction, the nexus has to be established. If your tax return is selected for a review or an audit, you may be asked to provide the following records to the ATO:

    • details of the necessity for you to wear compulsory and non-compulsory uniform, or occupation-specific clothing, as part of the conditions of your employment
    • details or duty statement of the necessity for you to wear protective clothing as part of your employment
    • information about how and why the necessary clothing or uniform you are required to wear qualifies as uniform, protective or occupation-specific clothing
    • letter from your employer(s), including contact name and telephone number, to confirm:
      • the requirement for you to wear compulsory or non-compulsory uniform, protective or occupation-specific clothing
      • details of the specific apparel worn and why the clothing or uniform qualifies as uniform, protective or occupation-specific clothing
      • details of whether work-related the uniform or protective or occupation-specific clothing was supplied by the employer, or paid for by you and reimbursed at a later time
      • details of any specific uniform and laundry allowances paid to you


To substantiate the deduction you may be asked to provide the following records:

    • list of all items claimed for work-related clothing expenses and receipts or other documentary evidence for each item, including any dry cleaning expenses for those items
    • for laundry expenses not exceeding $150, an explanation of the basis for working out the claim
    • if your total claim for work-related expenses exceeds $300 (not including car, meal allowance, award transport payments allowance and travel expenses), written evidence such as diary entries and receipts for laundry expenses greater than $150.

Diary entries are only acceptable when each expense is $10 or less and the total of all such expenses is $200 or less

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